Tecnología avanzada
Cone Beam CT
Nuestra práctica utiliza estado de la técnica, pequeño volumen TC cone beam (tomografía computada) tecnología que proporciona alta precisión, 3-Imágenes radiográficas de D para el diagnóstico, Planificación y tratamiento de la enfermedad endodontic. Esto permite la visualización tridimensional de los dientes, hueso, los senos paranasales y las estructuras circundantes con mínima radiación al paciente, lo que permite un nivel de precisión anatómica y cuidado de los pacientes no es posible con tecnologías 2-D (radiografías dentales regulares). Con la incorporación de la tecnología de TC de haz cónico a nuestra oficina, nuestra práctica está comprometida a proporcionar innovadoras, alta calidad, atención al paciente.
Digital Imaging
Endodoncia de Oviedo, P.L.L.C. elige cuidadosamente que y cuando se toman las radiografías. Hay muchas pautas que seguimos. Radiographs allow us to see everything we cannot see with our own eyes. Radiographs enable us to detect cavities in between your teeth, determine bone level, and analyze the health of your bone. We can also examine the roots and nerves of teeth, diagnose lesions such as cysts or tumors, as well as assess damage when trauma occurs.
Dental radiographs are invaluable aids in diagnosing, treating, and maintaining dental health. Exposure time for dental radiographs is extremely minimal. Endodoncia de Oviedo, P.L.L.C. utilizes Digital Imaging Technologies within the office. With digital imaging, exposure time is about 90 percent less when compared to traditional radiographs. Digital imaging can also help us retrieve valuable diagnostic information. We may be able to see cavities better.
Digital imaging allows us to store patient images, and enables us to quickly and easily transfer them to specialists or insurance companies.
Rayos X digitales:
Digital X-rays offer more precision since we view the image on a computer monitor, instead of holding up a 35mm film up to the light. Digital X-rays results in 1/6th the radiation exposure to you.
Surgical Microscopes
The introduction of the surgical microscope has revolutionized the field of Endodontic Microsurgery. We have invested in the very best quality surgical microscopes, by Carl Zeiss, that provide unparalleled magnification and illumination for our surgical procedures.
Our success depends on us being able to see the minutest of details – you cannot treat what you cannot see. en adición, we have incorporated the latest high definition video allowing us to record our procedures with unequalled clarity and detail.